Next Service Center Interface
A deep and immersive UX project to build a new experience for attendants, through an interface completely rethought and idealized to support the needs of the Call Center (active and receptive) of Banco Next. Tritone carried out the project's planning, UX and UI process together with systems and back-end implementation companies contracted by the Bank.
UX/ UI, front-end and back-end of the Call Center
Digital Bank next
With the creation and design of the entire digital interface of the new platform, it was also necessary to build an experience focused on the attendants and, together with the client's business areas, it was possible to map and design an efficient UX, based on the user flow of each service, ensuring that the path taken by the attendant could meet the expectations of the business.
With the definition of these flows, we proceeded with the detailed mapping of the journeys with a low-fidelity prototype and tests until the production of a high-fidelity prototype, to then apply usability tests with the platform users.