Leo Madeiras
Tritone developed the first Leo Madeiras application, in Android and IOS, for smartphones and tablets. Its launch on ForMóbile brought significant results for sales, thus providing an evolution of the app for a future version integrating its e-commerce.
Definition of Key Functions and APP Development - V1 and V2
Leo Madeiras

The app user can access all products available in Leo Madeiras stock, make a quote and close an order. This integration allowed Leo to prepare for a future launch of e-commerce and thus be able to adopt the entire online sales process in its operation. The app allowed the visualization of 3D scenarios of projects in 360º, in the different color options available, in addition to having the facility to watch, in one place, the tutorial videos published on its Youtube channel.
The functionalities of favoring products and projects, accessing the regional magazine, with the offers of the month, in addition to locating the store closest to the user through geolocation were incorporated into the project.
The application allowed Leo Madeiras to test and learn the usage behavior of its public, a very particular profile that are carpenters - self-employed professionals, offering new functionalities and advantages of interest, the success of using the application led to the evolution of its current integrated store.
Tritone brought its expertise in app innovation, interface and interaction to the project and designed the ideal project that could win over the largest number of users with a focus on the profile of carpenters.